Danube Region’s Water Tourism Association

The Danube Region’s Water Tourism Association (Duna-Régió Víziturisztikai Szövetség) has been founded to represent and unite the participants of Hungarian water tourism. This is an important step regarding the development process of the entire catchment area of the Danube, Hungary and the coordination of this process in civil areas.

Our association creates a civil community and networking movement covering the entire country and some of the surrounding ones primarily by redefining water tourism and bringing together all participants of water tourism, such as suppliers and accommodation providers, device manufacturers and lessors, canoeistsand kayakers, rowers, motor ship and sailing tourists, recreational fishermen and others engaging in water related activities.

Our association has started its water tourism networking based on a new approach: it acknowledges the rivers of the Danube Valley as several separate regions depending on their natural conditions. Social networking based cooperation is being built between these regions.

Based on their prominent view, the members of the Association consider water users as equals, therefore they are represented equally.

Our main activities are

  • organizing and supporting tours and recreational water races

  • representing the interests of Hungarian water tourists

  • representing the interests of Hungarian suppliers

  • coordinating supply and demand in water tourism

  • expert and advisory activities both in civil and public sectors

  • teaching water sports within the confines of Physical Education

  • promoting water nurseries and schools

  • seizing the opportunities for inland development provided by EU-DRS

  • founding clusters related to water tourism

  • using IT and WEB2 technologies and designing new systems for water tourism use – e. g.: our Association created the country’s first data base for locating campsites. Visit www.viziturazz.hu

Our Association joins world-class water loving experts, sportsmen (Olympic Champions, World Champions, National Team Sportsmen), coaches and blue chip water tour planners who have worked together in cooperation to found the Association and appoint the members of Management.

Since more than 20 organizations, even foreign ones, joined our Association within the first month of operation, we cooperate indirectly with about 2000 members with continued admission.

For more information visit us on our Association’s official website: http.://www.dr-vtsz.hu (Hungarian)

Our Association’s motto is:

”The Ocean in a Drop – There is no Ocean without a Drop”

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